RT4 owner groups on Facebook: The basic idea for a "self-helping group" in handling the RT4 baitboats and an exchange about everything that has to do with our products. This page was created by a English angler and good friend "Heapy Bob" on Facebook. Within a short time, the number of members in the UK group increased so rapidly that questions regarding our products were answered before we could give a reply,.
The User group idea was extended with the Dutch group "Carplounge RT4 Nederlandse Gebruikersgroep", Now our Dutch customers also have a contact point to share ideas, ask questions or answering questions about our RT4 baitboats.
The German format of the RT4 user group is already in the starting blocks and will be able to offer a further level of service in the near future. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the users of these groups, who are always there for our customers to help and advice within the forum community!


The Only Official Carp Lounge RT4 UK Owners Group

Offizielle Carplounge RT4 Benutzergruppe

Carplounge RT4 Nederlandse Gebruikersgroep

Groupe officiel Carplounge des utilisateurs francophones du RT4

The Only Official Carp Lounge RT4 UK Owners Group

Offizielle Carplounge RT4 Benutzergruppe

Carplounge RT4 Nederlandse Gebruikersgroep

Groupe officiel Carplounge des utilisateurs francophones du RT4

Our Sales & Service Managers Daniel and Philipp explain the difference, tips & tricks and point... [more]
"It's not just in cold water that finding the fish is the key to being effective. 50 metres might... [more]
Henk Suylen Proline - Baitspirals “With the baitspirals carplounge offers its customers an... [more]
''After extensive discussions with other baitboat owners it was clear to me quickly that it must... [more]
”This is the latest addition to our Monster carp team. The Carp Lounge RT4 boat! Globally... [more]
Longrange specialist Frank picked up his RT4 Baitboat at the BigOne Carp show and tells us in an... [more]
'' It was amazing how quick it was to master the controls but getting used to the speed of this... [more]
‘’ It’s a new lake, you can learn a lot by driving around with the baitboat by using the... [more]
The same evening we got a enthusiastic call from Samir: ‘’I already got some nice carps and I’m... [more]
'' My RT4 can't be broken, no matter if it's in the river, in the canal or on huge lakes, in... [more]