With the new Realvision View, we now have the world's first live 3D wireless echo sounder in our range!

No other wireless echo sounder offers anglers and industry customers such high-resolution, intuitive and above all clear and live display of water depth and bottom structure!
"It has never been easier to see at a glance and in all three dimensions what is under, behind and to the side of the boat." -Ali Hamidi
Exclusively available at Carplounge, the Raymarine Element QHD Echo sounder is equipped with the most powerful quad-core processor and a gyro-stabilised 7-channel transducer as standard. Combined with the REALVISION 3D Premium upgrade for our latest carplounge V4 QHD apps, the full potential of the hardware is fulfilled ! A breathtaking 3D view of the underwater world in QHD resolution and live almost instantly!

Carplounge Sales Manager Justin Ford explains the highlights and new features of the latest V4 app update. // 👉 available in the Playstore:
Carplounge EU Manager Justin Ford explains the highlights and new features of the V4 Premium App Upgrade //
👉 available in the Playstore:
✅ world's first 3D live radio echo for forage boats & rovers!
✅ Real-time in 6 selectable views (colour spectrum)
✅ Repeater firmware update - to improve the performance of all Element echo sounder views
✅ 5x higher data rate - worldwide highest echo data rates: fastest and therefore most accurate image build-up among all radio echo sounders!

- Depth display in metres or feet.
- Depth range can be set fully automatically or with a fixed value.
Bottom Ground Point Cloud in 6 different views (color spectrum)
Switch live between the different views to see the best substrate structure and bottom hardness depending, on your preference and situation.

Everything that is above the bottom of the water is called an "object" with Realvision. Fish, stones, plants or other objects are displayed in 3-dimensional space - thanks to the 7-channel HV100 QHD encoder of the Element Echo sounder, you can see the exact location of the object as well as its size and shape at a glance!
View high-resolution details at any angle: Pan, tilt and zoom the display in all 3 dimensions - only available from Carplounge with the Element QHD Realvision upgrade!

RealVision™3D Sonar give anglers the ability to see what’s below, behind, and to the sides of the boat, all at once and in three-dimensions. With blazing quad-core processor and gyro stabilised transducer technology RealVision 3D displays the entire underwater world—including structure, cover, fish in stunning detail. Pan, tilt, and zoom the 3D image to examine from any angle.
You can even pause and rewind the sonar history to take a closer look or drop a waypoint. Activate the GPS Trails feature and RealVision 3D uses GPS positing to construct the most accurate 3D model of the underwater world, in real-time.

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